Thursday, January 26, 2012

Before and After...

Wanted to share this before and after picture I made. Sometimes I look at the old Charlotte and see her struggling to live. I am so glad today she found a way out. It is there for anyone for the taking. Currently I am at 164, I have been stuck there for 2 weeks. As you get down to the end it can take a while to get the last bit off. For my age, height and weight my range is 124-155. I have chosen 155, and if my body chooses to go lower then it will. After reaching goal, I will be on maintenance for 6 weeks. Pretty much it is doing the same thing over and over again. You gain back a few of the points to help you maintain and no longer lose.After the 6 weeks are up you are officially a WW Lifetime member and as long as you keep your weight in the range you will no longer need to pay.  I used the think maintaining would be easy. I am now learning it is just another edition of the same book. I read today in a pamphlet about plateaus on WW that we must accept the plateaus as the process. Wow, even me, I need to hear those words of wisdom. I will forever always be a WW member first, and a WW staff member second. I know without a doubt I will always have issues with food and abusing it. I do know that I am an answer, it is WW and I plan to still attend meetings weekly and weigh weekly. I've seen too many friends reach goal and quit and stop, like they think they can go back to what it was like before. I like to call that "research", when you leave WW and then return heavier to declare again and again that you did the "research" and have returned for the help. Good thing is it is always there. It's what I love about WW, its people helping people who have been there, done that and have learned a different lifestyle. Charlotte

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Track, Write or Scribble.............

Weight Watchers is a program based on what you weigh tells you how many daily points you get to use daily. Kind of like a bank, and you spend as the day goes on and also there is a set of weekly points if you want to use you can, if you don't you don't. Well, for me and for many people I eat something and forget that I ate it. The easiest way for me to is track it, or write it down. The first iten shown is a Points Plus Calculator, it helps in figuring out the points and it also has a function built in it where you can store your points daily you've used. ,

With today's electronic technology there is in this world more and more gadgets to help make weight loss easier to us. Many phones that allow applications have applications you can download for free or a fee to check the points of an item or store your daily points.

I prefer to use a food diary. It doesn't have to be a WW food diary. It can be one you make, or one you printed off in the internet. The conveniece of doing WW online has it set up where you can go online and record your daily points intake. They also give weekly food diaries out at the WW meetings and they are FREE.

I actually prefer this the most, it is a 3 month tracker, at meetings it is about $6. I like it because it is easy for me to keep up with . WW has a suggested list of daily foods and they are listed on the left hand column for you to check, along with documenting exercise. The book is full of recipes and daily quotes and saying.

The bottom line to this is you need to track, write or scribble what you eat, every little bite, lick, taste or sip. It all adds up and it holds you accountable. It also helps you see where you might improve or you might keep doing what you're doing. It doesn't matter how it's done, just as long as you do it ! It also is helpful if you ever needed to show it to a dietician or your WW lecturer.

Charlotte Weddle

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Today's weigh in

Lost 4 1/2 lbs. this week ! Only 14 lbs. to  my goal ! Grand total lost ~ 232 1/2 lbs.

Charlotte Weddle

Tools of the trade

For me having a good scale, especially one that weighed me when I was heavier was a tool I needed and still use today. I only weigh twice a week, on Saturday am's at home before my WW weigh in. and then at the WW meeting. If I weigh myself more I lose track of my goal and that is to feel better and be healthy. Weighing weekly is also good for people who are doing online programs or doing an at home plan themselves. It does help keep me accountable. If my weight is continuing to increase then too much is going in.

My food scale is a valuable tool. Too many times I would eyeball an item of food and think it weighed a certain amount to find out my eyeballs are broken and it was alot more in size and calories. It can be a real simple one from Wal-mart of a fancy one like this one from WW. I actually bought this one today for myself as an anniversary gift.

Measuring cups and spoons are items I use daily. I keep a 1 tbsp. measuring spoon in my coffee creamer for easy access. I also measure all foods, even fruit. My idea of what 1 cup is is to different from the truth of what 1 cup really is. Funny how my eyeballs are broken.

Charlotte Weddle

Friday, January 6, 2012

Researching food plans.............

I know not everyone might be able to afford to lose weight and eat healthier using Weight Watchers. Remember learning growing up to follow the pyramid ? Well, they have changed it a little to this :

If you go to this site, they explin it all and it is FREE ! You can actually sign up free and plug in your own data. Way cool ! I think it's a great site.

Though for me WW will always be #1, I want to encourage you to find a food plan that works for you. A food plan that omits any of the food groups isn't a sensible nutritious food plan. And NO, chocolate isn't a food group. Sweets are always considered in moderation, if you deprive yourself of little treats from time to time you might feel like you are dieing in your DIE-T.

I love foods that are already pre-measured, it was my ideas of what a serving really was that got me intro trouble before so paying a little extra for a pre-measured food is worth it at times or buying the big bag of whatever and measuring out into baggies one serving at a time while NOT hungry !

I am researching other plans too to be of help to you ! Feel free to facebook me or email me @ anytime with questions and/or comments.

Charlotte Weddle

My ever famous size 5x pants ~

Just wanted to show you the size 5x pants I started out in. No matter what size you are, you can do any program that benefits your health to help you to feel better.
 Currently I am wearing a size 10.
Charlotte Weddle

Monday, January 2, 2012

I was on channel 11 last week with my story !

SHERWOOD, Ark. (KTHV) -- A single mother from Sherwood is inspiring those around her in an incredible way. She's lost more than 200 pounds in less than two years.
Charlotte said the reason for the change was that she wanted to make a difference for her kids. She has four children and a grandson. She says it was important to her to set an example of a leading a healthy lifestyle.
Charlotte made a New Year's resolution nearly two years ago to join weight watchers and lose more than half of her current weight. Now, she's less than 25 pounds from her goal.
Charlotte Weddle is an active 44 year old mother of four and grandmother of one. But she hasn't always been this way.
"I had gotten to a point where I was such a weight that it was affecting my body," says Weddle.
Weighing in at 395 pounds two years ago, Weddle decided it was time to make a change.
"I was literally couldn't really do anything, couldn't go anywhere with my kids or really do anything. It just seemed like I was out of breath for everything I did and I just really uncomfortable and I was just really felt like I needed to make a change in my life," she says.
As a single mother, Weddle says she wants to set a positive example for her kids.
"It was really important with my kids because I knew that if I continued to go this route in my life that it would affect my children. It affects the food that was brought into our house. And it affects our lifestyle and everything like that," she adds.
Three of Weddle's kids are adopted from China and two have special needs. Weddle says changing her lifestyle means she'll have more time with them.
"I just want to be around. And it's real important that I'm healthy and that I'm able to take care of them."
January 1, 2012 will mark two years since Weddle began her weight loss journey. That was 225 pounds ago.
"It's exciting. It gets real emotional. Every time I get around to my anniversary I still sometimes have to look at myself and say to myself 'you really did accomplish it.' It was something I really wanted to do. I just love it now. I love my life," she says.
Charlotte says her support system has been a huge help over the past two years. She says it helps to go to meetings at her local weight watchers because she's around people working toward the same goals.
She also started running recently, something she never thought she'd be able to do. In fact, she's started a training program to run in the little rock half marathon in March.

This is the story they did on me. Tomorrow am I KATV, channel 7 in Little Rock, at 600am on the Daybreak show telling my story again and sharing my size 5x jeans !

Charlotte Weddle

Resolutions ? Changes ?

I was up one New Year's Eve two years ago, was watching the ball get ready to drop. I weighed in at 396.5 lbs. I wore size 5x pajamas, there is a picture of it somewhere. I was dieing physically from my weight. I will begin this first and foremost telling you I am an addict, a food addict. I LOVE food. I didn't have any medical problems yet, but was headed that way. I couldn't sit anywhere comfortably and if for some reason I ever got to the floor it took the kids to get me up off the floor. I had enough of enough and was sick and tired of being sick and tired ! I used to wheeze all the time in a sitting position doing nothing.

I hate New Year's resolutions with a passion, never kept a one. It wasn't a resolution, it was a new year and I wanted a new start on life so decided to start then. It was a new beginning.

I share this with you today to show you and me where I was, what it was like and where I never want to go back to. I don't ever want to forget how horrible it felt. I wanted to lose weight, yes, but more than anything I wanted to feel better and if changing my habits helped me feel better and I lost a little weight on the way then so be it.

What are you willing to change ? What do you want for this new year ? I am challenging myself to get more into weight strengthening. I have fat on my arm I want to tone up before opting for surgery.

Charlotte Weddle

ps ~ like my new picture, it's me in my 2 year victory jeans, size 10 !!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome to Measure, Track and Move !

Happy New Year 2012 ! And Happy Anniversary to me, today marks 2 year's ago today I decided I needed to make some changes to my life. I was miserable and was on the verge of becoming physically ill. I don't ever want to go back there and hope by the use of this blog I might be able to motivate someone else and help them to see that it can be done. It takes some work, but to me it is well worth. I wake up every day now happy to be alive and excited to see what's going to happen in my life. This blog is a work in progress, so please give me some time to design it and make it my dream and gift to you !