Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome to Measure, Track and Move !

Happy New Year 2012 ! And Happy Anniversary to me, today marks 2 year's ago today I decided I needed to make some changes to my life. I was miserable and was on the verge of becoming physically ill. I don't ever want to go back there and hope by the use of this blog I might be able to motivate someone else and help them to see that it can be done. It takes some work, but to me it is well worth. I wake up every day now happy to be alive and excited to see what's going to happen in my life. This blog is a work in progress, so please give me some time to design it and make it my dream and gift to you !


  1. Thank you! I am your friend on facebook too.
    I have been at it with weight watchers off and on 5 times now. I have been at it almost a year this time and just haven't been able to get my head in the game. So now I have tracked for two days and increased my activity today. Keep your blog going! I appreciate your experience!

  2. Okay. I joined and am going through the little get-you-ready thing. :-)
    2012!! LET'S GO!!!!!

  3. Hi Charlotte :) My friend Janis told me to come check out your blog. I need to loose at least 200 pounds! I am diagnosed "Super Morbidly Obese" and really have been scared for my life! Not sure why all of a sudden I am feeling afraid but I know that my health is beginning to suffer alot. I have tried time and time again. I would love to get to know you better. I am Tamijoysisemore on fb. I started a group on fb called super obese friends that has several other ladies trying to loose weight, not as much as me but some are needing 100 plus pound weight loss. I am seeking support wherever I can find it. My health/weight loss blog is
    I would love to hear your story!
