Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Track, Write or Scribble.............

Weight Watchers is a program based on what you weigh tells you how many daily points you get to use daily. Kind of like a bank, and you spend as the day goes on and also there is a set of weekly points if you want to use you can, if you don't you don't. Well, for me and for many people I eat something and forget that I ate it. The easiest way for me to is track it, or write it down. The first iten shown is a Points Plus Calculator, it helps in figuring out the points and it also has a function built in it where you can store your points daily you've used. ,

With today's electronic technology there is in this world more and more gadgets to help make weight loss easier to us. Many phones that allow applications have applications you can download for free or a fee to check the points of an item or store your daily points.

I prefer to use a food diary. It doesn't have to be a WW food diary. It can be one you make, or one you printed off in the internet. The conveniece of doing WW online has it set up where you can go online and record your daily points intake. They also give weekly food diaries out at the WW meetings and they are FREE.

I actually prefer this the most, it is a 3 month tracker, at meetings it is about $6. I like it because it is easy for me to keep up with . WW has a suggested list of daily foods and they are listed on the left hand column for you to check, along with documenting exercise. The book is full of recipes and daily quotes and saying.

The bottom line to this is you need to track, write or scribble what you eat, every little bite, lick, taste or sip. It all adds up and it holds you accountable. It also helps you see where you might improve or you might keep doing what you're doing. It doesn't matter how it's done, just as long as you do it ! It also is helpful if you ever needed to show it to a dietician or your WW lecturer.

Charlotte Weddle

1 comment:

  1. I can definitly say that tracking what you eat is key to loosing weight. It is eye opening sometimes how many points are in some things! Next time you think do I really want to spend my points on that!???
